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Upcoming Military Ball to Celebrate 175 Years of Military Training at Fordham

Fordham will host its inaugural military ball at the Lincoln Center campus on Saturday, Nov. 4, to celebrate 175 years of military training at the University, as well as its student veterans, ROTC cadets, and other military-connected members of the Fordham community. 

“The Military Ball is a time to celebrate Fordham’s proud and historic military legacy and to remember those from Fordham who have given the full measure of devotion while serving in the military in the last 175 years,” said Matthew Butler, senior director of the University’s Office of Military and Veterans’ Services.

The ball is also an opportunity for attendees to reconnect with the military-connected community, not only from Fordham, but also the New York City area. Two alumni will be honored for their service: Warren T. Gregory, FCRH ’66, a Bronze Star and Vietnam Air medal recipient, and Stephanie Ramos, Fordham Army ROTC ’05, now an ABC News network correspondent and major in the U.S. Army Reserve. In addition, attendees will have the chance to sponsor a current student veteran or cadet. 

“Members of our armed forces and veterans operate on very low budgets, and being able to attend a formal military ball might be a once-in-a-lifetime event for them—certainly one that they would remember for years to come,” said Andrea Marais, Fordham’s director of military and veteran higher education, engagement, and transition. 

The ball is open to members of the Fordham community, including alumni, veteran alumni, parents of cadets, cadets, student veterans, and those who support the veteran and military community. Proceeds will help student veterans, ROTC cadets, and other members of the Fordham student military community to pay for academic, social, and career transition programming.

The deadline to purchase an ad for the printed dinner journal is Oct. 6. Tickets for the ball are on sale through Oct. 29. Register online. 


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