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A Message from President Tetlow | Celebrating Holi

Dear Fordham Community,

We are blessed to be a community of many faiths, proudly reveling in beliefs and traditions that give our lives purpose. For the last year, I have written messages celebrating many of the world’s great religious holidays, reminding us of how much we have to learn from each other and just how much the central tenets of all the world’s great religions have in common. Now, I’ll turn this task to members of our community to describe, in more personal terms, the meaning of their holy days. Please read Professor Gautum Goswami’s message below.

Tania Tetlow


Dear Fordham Community,

Holi, India’s most vibrant Festival of Colors, is recognized globally for its joyous celebrations. The ancient tradition of Holi is a two-day festival. A bonfire is lit the night before the full moon, celebrating the victory of good over evil, representing our inner demons resolving conflicts. The following day of Holi is memorable and unique in its inclusivity, bringing the community together by playfully smearing bright colors on the faces around, sharing food and drinks, and dancing to lively music.

As my family settled in our new home in the USA, we began the tradition of celebrating Holi in our backyard. We dressed in white to make the colors of Holi stand out when smeared. Friends and family gathered around a bountiful table with food and drinks, bringing back memories of our childhood back in India. We shared our tradition with our children who were born here, and they have since found their own way of integrating the celebration of Holi with their friends from diverse backgrounds.

On this joyous day, which happens during Lent, Ramadan, and soon-to-be Passover, Holi invites us to let go of negativity and embody gratitude. Let this Holi celebrate love, laughter, youth, and everything good in Fordham. I hope that on this day, we will all come together, forget our differences, and add color to the lives around us.

Prayers and blessings,
Gautam Goswami
Professor of Finance
Gabelli School of Business


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