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A Day of Prayer and Fasting


Dear Members of the Fordham Family,

In the words of Pope Francis, we are looking at a “humanitarian catastrophe” in the Middle East as the war between Israel and Hamas grows in intensity. There is already terrible suffering among Israelis and Palestinians, and unless the combatants change course, we will see unimaginable brutality, misery, and death.

For that reason, the Pope has called for a worldwide day of fasting, prayer, and penance on Friday, October 27, 2023, by all people committed to the cause of peace.

Joining at the hour of prayer starting at 6 p.m. Rome time (noon New York time) in St. Peter’s, local churches and institutions are invited to organize similar initiatives.

We hope you will join with other members of the campus community and Campus Ministry to reflect upon and pray for peace on Friday:

Mass for Peace
Rose Hill: Sacred Heart Chapel, Dealy Hall, at 12:05 p.m.
Lincoln Center: Blessed Rupert Mayer, S.J., Chapel, Lowenstein 221, at noon

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
University Church: noon to 1 p.m.
Blessed Rupert Mayer, S.J., Chapel, Lowenstein 221: 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

The world is poised on the brink of a dark and terrible moment—in the Pope’s words, “war erases the future.” We invite all to fast and pray with us on Friday.

Yours in Peace,

Rev. José Luis Salazar, SJ, PhD
Executive Director of Campus Ministry
Fordham University


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